School-university joint programme Future School – evidence-driven innovation in Estonian schools

Workshop organisers:

  • Team of the Future school program
  • TU Centre for Innovation in Education


There is continuous need to revise the ways of the school innovation considering the recent research knowledge. Dominant approaches like teacher leadership, co-creation of the new practices and evidence-driven school development were used for designing school-university joint programme in Estonia. Supporting schools to use evidence to improve some processes may turn these organizations into learning organizations, which are able to define and evaluate their own performance. The aim of the one academic year joint programme Future School is to support the whole-school innovation by enhancing the teaching and learning culture with: 1) shared leadership creating conditions for teacher leadership, 2) school-university co-creation of new methodologies and 3) implementation of evidence-driven innovation for sustainable improvement of teaching and leadership practices. The discussion is organised around following questions:

  • How leadership practices support innovation processes at school?
  • How co-creation of the new practices are actualised in the innovation process?
  • How do schools work with evidence in the innovation process?

Expected target group:

Teachers, school management members, policy makers

Expected number of participants:


Learning outcomes:

Participant knows how to design school improvement programme based on three elements: shared leadership, school-university co-creation of new methodologies and implementation of evidence-driven innovation process.