
Making sense and intervening on classroom evidence about collaboration skills

Workshop organisers:

  • Reet Kasepalu
  • Merike Saar
  • Luis P. Prieto
  • Pankaj Chejara
  • Anu Tammeleht
konverents-07-02 (1)


General skills, such as collaborative problem solving, are a major emphasis of Estonian and European educational reforms. However, even when teachers have evidence from the classrooms, it is not always easy to make sense of it, understand what it says about the students’ skills, or how we should change our own practice in light of it. In this session we will take a look at different kinds of evidence that has been gathered from learning activities aimed at developing collaboration skills, and will make sense of it collaboratively, suggesting implications of the evidence for the (formative) assessment and eventual interventions in the classroom practice. The session will be facilitated both in English and Estonian.

Expected target group:

Teachers and other educational practitioners, interested in making sense of evidence gathered in their classrooms

Expected number of participants:

30-40 participants

Learning outcomes:

The participants can:
  • To become acquainted with different approaches to look at in-classroom evidence about students’ collaboration skills
  • To gain hands-on experience of analyzing realistic data from learning situations
  • To exchange good practices and viewpoints on how the analysis of in-classroom evidence should inform our teaching practice