Educational technologists as engines of the development of the society

Workshop organisers:

  • Kai Pata
  • Linda Helene Sillat
  • Kairit Tammets


A workshop involving educational technology network and educational technology students, aims to present, through the Digital Mirror Study, how educational technologists play a key role in creating a digital mature school. Let's look back at how education technologists have been prepared in Estonia for the last 10 years. There is a debate about the role of the educational technologist in the changing society into which the profession of educational technologist is moving. We play an introductory game and build connections between new and old educational technologists and students.

Expected target group:

Teachers, pre-service teachers, educational technologists, school heads

Learning outcomes:

  • Participants are getting familiar with the network of educational technologists;
  • Participants are aware of the possibilities to study educational technology in Estonia.