Teacher as a designer of novel pedagogical practices

Workshop organisers:

  • Marge Kusmin (marge.kusmin@tlu.ee)
  • Marina Kurvits (marina.kurvits@tlu.ee)
  • María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana (mjrt@tlu.ee)


The main goal of this workshop is to help teachers in the design of learning activities which involve educational innovations. We will introduce together with the teachers approaches how to design novel pedagogical approaches for the new technologies based on two cases: IoT kits (mainly body-sensor kits) in primary education and digital learning resources in secondary math education. During the workshop, participants are encouraged to design student-centered novel learning scenarios and the suitability of the presented solutions and methods will be reflected.

Expected target group:

Teachers and other educational practitioners, interested in understanding how to design student-centered learning designs in technology-enriched learning scenarios

Learning outcomes:

  • To gain hands-on experience on a learning design tool
  • To collaboratively design learning scenarios based on the solutions presented during the session
  • To exchange good practices in the integration of educational innovations in real practice.
  • To analyse the suitability of the presented solutions and methods to the subjects.